GATES, "Grenoble ATtractiveness and ExcellenceS" is the winner of a call for projects under the France 2030 plan (see the Ministry's communication on the call's winners). This ambitious partnership project aims to enhance the attractiveness of Grenoble Alpes University in terms of both research and training. The first axis concerns research at the UGA and its international appeal, the second the management of research data in the humanities and social sciences, and the third the attractiveness of the university's undergraduate training offer.
GRICAD supports the ‘data’ axis of GATES
During the project period, GRICAD will host a team of 7 engineers whose objective is to deploy resources in research data management within the university's HSS communities. The engineering team also benefits from the expertise of the Cellule Data Grenoble Alpes, accredited in June 2022 as " Atelier de la donnée de Recherche Data Gouv ", the ecosystem for sharing and opening up research data supported by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research. The GATES engineering team will develop solutions for collecting, processing, storing, visualizing and displaying research data. On the one hand, it will enable the use of existing technologies at the university, such as the SUMMER, WINTER and Nova infrastructures, and on the other, it will give impetus to new research projects based on cutting-edge data science and artificial intelligence technologies. The GATES data axis is largely devoted to the humanities and social sciences, with 25 research units.
See the GATES Data SHS blog

The GATES project is supported by a French government grant managed by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche under the "Investissements d'avenir" program, reference "ANR-22-EXES-0001".