
GRICAD offers its users a cloud service based on openstack technology that offers a virtual machine on demand service. Accessible via an API, the platform allows you to manage VMs, containers and other types of resources useful for cloud computing:

  • on-demand virtual server provisioning,
  • many types available (CPU, RAM, disk ...),
  • OS available (Centos, Debian, Ubuntu, NixOS ...) with multiple versions,
  • quota and management by project,
  • management by Web interfaces, on the command line (CLI) and API.
This infrastructure is open to all members of the scientific communities of the Grenoble site, as well as their external collaborators.

In addition, GRICAD plays a role as a facilitator for financial pooling for the purchase or participation in infrastructures.

For general information, do not hesitate to contact us at
For more technical questions, you can speak directly to the people in charge of the support of the service concerned.