GRICAD is based on two complementary governance structures:
COSTU : GRICAD users' scientific and technical committee
Since 2018, a Users' Committee has been formalised,
whose main objective is to ensure the management of
infrastructures and services through research.
In order to put the needs of users at the heart of the UAR's concerns,
the role of the COmité Scientifique et Technique des Utilisateurs (COSTU)
is to maintain a strong link between the services offered and the needs of research.
The main aim of COSTU GRICAD is to help the UAR GRICAD to steer the
development of the research infrastructures and services it offers in the areas
of scientific computing, software development for research and research data management.
It is made up of infrastructure users who are representative of their community
and who have an overall vision of the use and needs of this community in terms
of digital services and infrastructures. It provides a forum for discussion
between these users, the GRICAD Management Committee (CODIR) and the teams
involved in the infrastructure.
The members of COSTU also relay information between their research community and GRICAD.
The COSTU is consulted, at the request of the GRICAD CODIR, or makes
proposals on its own initiative, on the following subjects :
- the operation of services, platforms and support, and feedback on user needs ;
- Prospects in terms of future projects, equipment acquisition and deployment ;
- Strategic guidelines for the development or deployment of services and
infrastructures managed by GRICAD.
COSTU, with its cross-disciplinary vision of uses, must facilitate links between
scientific communities. It also plays an active role in identifying training
needs and disseminating the training on offer.
The composition of COSTU aims to be representative of the scientific communities,
and is based on the research clusters of the Université Grenoble Alpes.
COSTU is made up of researchers, lecturers and engineers.
It brings together active users of services and infrastructures who are representative of their community,
working in pairs or trios to ensure that they are present at meetings and have a diversity of points of
view for the validation of projects giving access to our services.
It is set up by co-option and each member commits to a renewable 2-year term of office.
Chemistry, Biology, Health (CBS)
- Florent Chuffart (IAB)
- Pierre Girard (DCM)
- Laurent Torlay (LPNC)
- Jan Warnking (GIN)
Mathematics, Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies (MSTIC)
- Arthur Vidard (LJK)
- Franck Pérignon (LJK)
- Olivier Richard (LIG)
- Frédéric Audra (LJK)
- Glenn Cougoulat (GRICAD)
- Nicolas Gibelin (GRICAD)
- Pierre-Antoine Bouttier (GRICAD)
- Violaine Louvet (LJK)
Physics, Engineering, Material Science (PEM)
- Cyrille Bonamy (LEGI)
- Thierry Deutsch (CEA)
- Bruno Chareyre (3SR)
- Jean-Luc Parouty (SIMAP)
Particles Physics, Astrophysics, Geosciences, Environment and Ecology (PAGE)
- Geoffroy Lesur (IPAG)
- Sophie Giffard Roisin (IsTerre)
- Marie-Pierre Doin (IsTerre)
Humanities and Social Sciences (SHS)
- Florence Andreacola (Gresec)
- Isabelle Rousset (LIDILEM)
- Anne Garcia Fernandez (Litt&Arts)
- Thomas Lebarbé (Litt&Arts)
- Céline Acary-Robert (LJK/GRICAD/MaiMoSine)
- Fabien Malbet (IPAG)
- Françoise Roch (OSUG)