Data and code management

Cellule Data Grenoble Alpes
Support for scientific communities
The Cellule Data Grenoble Alpes is an operational structure designed to support the Grenoble area's scientific communities in all matters relating to research data and codes.
- data management plan (DMP)
- storage, description and documentation (metadata)
- legal and ethical aspects, GDPR, licenses
- link to publications, data, codes
- data and codes dissemination
- training (webinars and doctoral training)

Support for research in HSS
GRICAD is responsible for the 2nd axis of the GATES project "Grenoble ATtractiveness and ExcellenceS", approved as part of France 2030's ExcellencES call for projects. This Data axis is dedicated to research data management in the Humanities and Social Sciences. GRICAD is home to a cross-disciplinary team of 7 engineers over a period of 8 years, whose mission is to develop the attractiveness of the HSS by leveraging cutting-edge artificial intelligence and data science technologies.
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