An original human model
GRICAD is one of the partner structures of the
site dynamics on digital infrastructures
alongside the Information Systems Department of the institutions,
the DSIM (ex-SIMSU), the laboratories and teaching components.
The idea is to pool efforts on tools and common projects.
The infrastructures are thus operated by technical committees
composed of people from all this different structures.
This organization promotes proximity with
research teams and is a factor of upward in skills
of the people involved in the projects.
The involvement of people is recognized through
the establishment of mission letters.
Many people are involved in the operation of the infrastructure
available on the Grenoble site, both for research and for
teaching and administration.
GRICAD members are therefore also involved in the
times in services based on its infrastructure
and managed by the unit, that in the operation
infrastructures managed mainly by the ISD of the UGA.
The joint operational technical committees that are at the heart of this
device are:
- Computing Staff
- Technical comittee for Openstack
- Technical comittee for Gitlab
- Training group
- Technical comittee for Datacenter
- Technical comittee for Storage
- Technical comittee for SPRING
- Technical comittee for WINTER
- Jean-Noel Bouvier (ISTerre), staff calcul, CT stockage, Bettik
- Pierre Girard (DCM), staff calcul
- Françoise Roch (OSUG), staff calcul
- Jean-Daniel Dubois (LPMMC), staff calcul
- Frédéric Audra (LJK), staff calcul
- Olivier de Marchi (LEGI), CT GitLab
- Franck Pérignon(LJK), CT GitLab
- Rémi Cailletaud (OSUG), CT Openstack