Production of podcasts

Among the new services offered to the scientific community at Grenoble Alpes University, GRICAD is highlighting the creation of audio podcasts.
You'll be supported throughout the podcast creation process on the theme of your choice: presentation of a laboratory, department or research project, interview, debate and discussion between several speakers.

Recording equipment:

  • One to three SHURE SM7B microphones with desk stand
  • ZOOM H6 digital recorder

Detailed rates:

Service type Hourly rates
Podcast recording 35 € excluding VAT
Editing 35 € excluding VAT
Installing/uninstalling 35 € excluding VAT
Equipment, easy settings 10 € excluding VAT

Podcasts produced by GRICAD

To give you an idea of the range of themes and podcast formats offered by the service, please take a look at some of the podcasts we've produced:

How to use our services ?

For any request for a service, contact us